Friday 15 April 2011

Whoever thought the crazy man on the bench in the park was actually right...

Every morning I get up, the same as most people, I have a routine.

Step1: Turn off alarm + get dressed
Step 2: Let cat out of Lounge to wake Lee up
Step 3: Make a coffee + breakfast
Step 4: Turn on chanel 3 and watch Daybreak

Step 4 is where my concerns lie. Cartoons are seeping into all of our daily routies lately with animated characters alongside live action actors in films, in adverts, and not forgetting adult comedy cartoons such as Family Guy and American Dad. But whoever knew that they would start to sneak the characters into morning TV subliminally; so subtly that I didn't notice untill it was pointed out to me the other day when Lee was up with me.

Firstly with Lucy who presents the weather on Daybreak. Anime fans may agree with me when i say she is the absolute image of Rukia Kuchiki of Bleach.

Also not to mention the Central News journalist who features on Daybreak also who looks like gretchen if you add glasses to her. Unfortunately, I could't find an image of her.


  1. ok so listen. this is the thing. im pretty sure that one day im going to marry you because i amyself am mr big squid. @ me on instagram at ian_dellydellz. i swear to christ we'll get along great! please and i mean PLEASE let me know where you live so we can go on a cute date!

    thanks for your time, you are a dime!
    ian aka sleezy captial D big squidy from the city.

  2. p.s i have the same morning routine except take out step three with breakfast and coffee, replace it with vape clouds and benching 120 on my neighbors workout machine! they dont even know i lift ;)

    haha hope you see this!~ @ me on instagram
