Tuesday 5 April 2011

OOOOOH Orange Juice!

Welcome to my first ever blog!

Here at Little Miss Squid you can keep tabs on anything crazy or new that I decide I want to do.

Wether its a new recipe I have made up, a crochet pattern or two, my current favourite Video Game or even new pieces of artwork or writing you can find it all here.

Keep checking back for something new!

1 comment:

  1. let me tell you a little bit about myself. heres some of the things i like:
    all things that are ADORABLE, and all things LIMEY! i work for a SUPER BIG newspaper disposal company.
    yours truly, MR girls toy squid boy coolest guy under the sky facts is your gonna be my Mrs and we're gonna get married and ittl be bliss!~~~~


    let me take you to barbados.
